Xano Query

Retrieve lists of data from your Xano database

In the next release this element will be renamed as Xano Data and will be used to retrieve both lists of data as well as single values

The Xano Query element retrieves lists of data from your Xano database using the API group and endpoint you specify. This element is incredibly powerful and allows you to return any data you want by creating those response types via the API Connector by setting up virtual data types.

For details on setting up virtual data types and using them with the Query element, visit my YouTube channel and watch the Getting Started with the Xano Connector episode.

Available Fields:

Data type Select the type of data being returned. If nothing is selected here we will only display the raw JSON response

Endpoint Specify the endpoint this element should query

Group URL This is the API group where the endpoint exists. If not populated we will use the default Group URL defined in the plugin settings

Parameters This is a free form field. Use this field to pass the parameters your API is expecting as a JSON object

Available Actions

Refresh data Retrieves the latest data

Available Events

Threw an error Runs when an error occurs getting the data

Available States

We expose a ton of states on this element to make managing pagination and data retrieval super simple. If you set up pagination in Xano the query element will automatically detect that and expose all the pagination meta data in the Xano Query element.

Data Returns data as the virtual data type you selected

Raw JSON Body Text of the full JSON response received from the Xano API

Error message Information about the error that occurred

Error code Code that can be used as conditions to run different workflows when an error occurs

Status code Code returned from the most recent call to the Xano API

Current page Page number of the current page of data being viewed

Next page Use to pass back to the API to get the next page of data

Previous page Use to pass back to the API to get the previous page of data

Items received Number of items received for the current page

Total items Total number of items available in the database

Total pages Total number of pages that can be retrieved.

Last updated